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Biopolitics as an aspect of public administration in non-liberal political regimes (on the example of the Chinese National Republic)


  • Nikolai Kshevin Pacific State University, Khabarovsk
  • Olga Simonenko Pacific State University



biopolitics, authoritarian governance, globalization, commodification, public administration, biotechnology.


The article focuses on the potential applicability of biopolitics to modern elements of public administration in non-liberal political regimes on the example of China. M. Foucault's biopolitics is a rather difficult concept to use for the analysis of modern countries of the East due to the initial connection of the concept to the Western intellectual tradition. Based on analysis of the various researches in biopolitics, we propose to look further into strategies for expanding the concept to determine the most suitable for the study of public administration in non-liberal political regimes on the example of the PRC. It is noted that modern China, being an example of a non-liberal political regime, has signs of biopolitical state governance. It is concluded that biopolitics as a technology of power over the population is not an exclusive part of liberal governance.


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How to Cite

Kshevin Н. В. ., & Simonenko О. А. . (2021). Biopolitics as an aspect of public administration in non-liberal political regimes (on the example of the Chinese National Republic). Respublica Literaria, 2(2), 86–97.