The role of the concept of performativity in the context of indirect communication research


  • Anna Moiseeva Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



indirect communication, performativity, language games, Speech Act theory.


The article traces one of the lines of influence of the analytic philosophy of language on the humanities, in particular, on linguistics – the line that is associated with the perception of the concept of performativity and the corresponding view of language in studies of indirect communication. The distinction between illocutionary and perlocutionary speech act formulated by J. Austin is applied to the case of indirect communication, as a result of which it is concluded that the performative properties of language can manifest themselves not only in illocution, but also in perlocution. It is shown that many examples of indirect communication function like performatives – the concept of an indirect performative is introduced to denote them – and can be described from the point of view of a performative approach.

Author Biography

Anna Moiseeva, Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Moiseeva А. Ю. (2021). The role of the concept of performativity in the context of indirect communication research. Respublica Literaria, 2(1), 48–61.