Which Socrates? “Supplement to the Memorabilia of the Blessed Socrates”


  • Alexey Streltsov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)




Hamann, Eberhard, Socrates, Enlightenment, natural theology


Provided is translation into Russian as well as commentary of the J. G. Hamann’s treatise «Supplement to the Memorabilia of the Blessed Socrates» (Beylage zun Denkwürdigkeiten des seligen Sokrates) of 1773, which up to this time has not received sufficient treatment in the historical-philosophical research. This work represents concluding part of Hamann’s trilogy of sorts, which began with «Socratic Memorabilia» of 1759 and «Clouds» of 1760. The treatise deals with Socratic perspective and interpretation of the character of Socrates in the context of the Enlightenment project. In this work Hamann confronts rationalistic reading of Socrates by the Enlightenment follower Johann August Eberhard by means of maintaining theological orthodoxy of the preceding epoch.

Author Biography

Alexey Streltsov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Research


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How to Cite

Streltsov А. М. (2024). Which Socrates? “Supplement to the Memorabilia of the Blessed Socrates”. Respublica Literaria, 5(3), 49–66. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2024.5.3.49-66