The Great Steppe: Tengrian Civilization and Buddhism
Tengrian civilization, Tengriism, Tengrianism, Buddhism, Lamaism, Mahayana, Shakya-MunyaAbstract
The report is devoted to the analysis of the role of Tengrian civilization in the formation of characteristics of Buddhism. Genetic relationship of Tengriism and Buddhism is analysed via the context of the epochs of the World-system, “The Centaur Time” and “Axial Age”. The author analyses the hypothesis that the Tengrian-Buddhist community may be the result of contacts and common origins of South Siberian and Central Asian shamanism with the Indian religions and provides a comparative analysis of Tengriism and Lamaism, Tengriism and Mahayana. One commonality between Tengriism and Lamaism are various landscape deities (the owners of places and spaces) embodied in the cult of “obo” that is widespread among certain Altai and Mongol tribes as well as in Lamaism, as shown in sacrifices to the “obo” owner. It seems that the cults of the horse and the bull, the concept of the World Tree, and certain aspects of Tengrian mythology have been transferred to Lamaism from the nomads of Central Asia. The closeness of Tengriism and Mahayana is traced via the analogies between dharmabhanakas (monks who preached sutras), and Turkic shamans; as well as the attainment of nirvana in Mahayana and the comprehension of Tengri in Tengrianism, and the universal principle of cyclicity both in Tengrian understanding of time and in the idea of the “Great Vehicle”. The author concludes that the origins of Buddhism can be linked to certain viewpoints and religious ideas widespread among the nomadic peoples of Central Asia.
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