Zeno’s Aporias “Through the Looking-Glass” (A Reverence to I. V. Berestov’s Article “How Achilles and Hector Missed Each Other”)
Zeno of Elea, aporias, movement, kinetics, statics, state, transition, continuum, set, interval, potential infinity, actual infinity, intention, operation.Abstract
This text is written as a detailed remark in the discussion about the article by I. V. Berestov. The main goal of the tactic is to show that the reasoning of I. V. Berestov are not related to the problematics and the conceivability of movement, i.e., to the actual problems of Zeno; in fact, the author is working on the set-theoretic problems of the continuum. The text contains mental experiments and counterexamples that play on the logical constructions of I. V. Berestov. In opposition to I. V. Berestov's approach, the author of the text cites his own experience of reconstructing a fragment of Zeno's aporia “Arrow”.
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