Human Being in Norm and Pathology: Towards the Question of Expertise in Medicine


  • Natalia Siniukova Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



humanistic paradigm, a human in norm and pathology, border between norm and pathology, sociocultural approach, ethical expertise


The article discusses a problem of a change in habitual paradigms of human being understanding in medicine within the progress of medical science and practice. The prevalence of natural scientific principles in medical expertise is becoming ineffective; medicine is losing its subject – a human being in norm and pathology. The awareness of the consequences of an object-oriented attitude contributed to the development of new notions about the subject of medicine, fixed in a socio-cultural and, later, person-oriented approaches in scientific understanding of human being in norm and pathology, as well as the development of practices aimed at protecting humans from interference. As a result, a new form of expertise is emerging in medicine – ethical expertise, aimed at protecting a human being. However, in the process of ethical expertise evolution, as the author shows, a shift has taken place towards bureaucratic management, oriented to proceduralism and efficiency. Moreover, ethical expertise continues to use socio-cultural approach as its methodological basis, which is not sufficient within the new situation of blurring boundary between norm and pathology. A human being himself as an object of expertise is disappearing.

Author Biography

Natalia Siniukova , Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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How to Cite

Siniukova Н. А. . (2021). Human Being in Norm and Pathology: Towards the Question of Expertise in Medicine. Respublica Literaria, 2(3), 121–132.