Where and Why are the Far Easterners Going (Based on Materials from Primorye Territory)


  • Anna Vinokurova Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University
  • Anna Ardalyanova Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University




Far East, Primorye, migration, socio-economic processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, regional development


The paper presents the main aspects of the formation of migration attitudes and the implementation of migration strategies of residents of the Primorsky Territory. The research was carried out using quantitative and qualitative sociological methods. The analysis of official statistics data was supplemented by the results of interviews. The main data collection method is informal interviews; fieldwork was carried out in the spring of 2021. Our research has shown that the migration outflow from Primorye continues. The main centers of attraction are the cities of central Russia, which are capable of providing a higher level and quality of life and having a more developed infrastructure. Further development of Primorye, which could stimulate return migration, should be associated with the functioning of large enterprises, the availability of jobs with decent wages, and the development of a recreational complex.

Author Biographies

Anna Vinokurova , Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University

Anna Ardalyanova , Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University


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How to Cite

Vinokurova А. В., & Ardalyanova А. Ю. . (2021). Where and Why are the Far Easterners Going (Based on Materials from Primorye Territory). Respublica Literaria, 2(3), 73–84. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2021.2.3.73-84