Scientist's Professional Identity: Factors and Patterns of Transformation
science, the Russian scientific community, transformation, professional identity, adaptationAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of factors and patterns of transformation the professional identity of scientists on the example of modern Russian science. The analysis was carried out on the basis of both secondary and primary sociological data. As the primary sociological data were used the materials of quantitative and qualitative research carried out in scientific centers of the SB RAS in the period from the end of the 1990s to the end of the 2010s. It is concluded that the leading factor for the transformation of the professional identity of Russian scientists was, first of all, a sharp change in the attitude towards science on the part of society and the state. We can say about the crisis in these relations is evident, which was reflected in a sharp drop of economic and social status of science. In addition, we are also talking about the weakening of the science’s cognitive role in culture. Three post-Soviet decades have shown that science, as a rule, found ways to successfully adapt to a constantly changing situation, primarily a change in the course of state scientific policy.
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