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Family and work in the system of value orientations of Dagestan residents


  • Anna Vinokurova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Aslanbek Adiev Regional Centre of Ethnopolitical Studies, Daghestan Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences



regional development, Republic of Daghestan, socio-economic processes, level and quality of life, social well-being, value orientations, family, work


The paper presents the main aspects related to the implementation of the value orientations of the residents of Dagestan in the field of family and professional and labour activity, which are considered in the context of the basic characteristics that determine the socio-economic development of this region. The study was carried out mainly based on quantitative methods, including the analysis of official statistics data and the results of a questionnaire survey (n=170) conducted with the direct participation of the authors in 2020. Our research has shown that Daghestanis are mainly focused on family and material well-being. The desire to improve their well-being and the well-being of their family encourages the formation of professional and labour orientations that provide for a stable, permanent, well-paid job with career prospects.


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How to Cite

Vinokurova А. В. ., & Adiev А. З. (2021). Family and work in the system of value orientations of Dagestan residents. Respublica Literaria, 2(2), 74–85.