Influence of ethnic identity on representations about interethnic integration: to statement of the problem


  • Olga Persidskaya Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



ethnic identity, interethnic integration, theoretical and methodological foundations


The author fixes the main trends associated with the study of the phenomena of ethnic identity and interethnic integration in social philosophy and identifies gaps that could be filled by expanding of their interpretation. It is recorded that in a significant part of the research, the phenomena are considered separately. Thus, ethnic identity is expressed as a one-dimensional parameter, part of the “identification matrix” of an individual. Studies devoted to interethnic integration are often aimed at identifying mechanisms for achieving an abstract desired image – a multiethnic community with a high degree of integration of its members, who clearly and most often unambiguously realize their ethnic identity. Despite the obvious interrelation of the phenomena under consideration, there are very few studies, dedicated to the influence of ethnic identity on interethnic integration. It is shown that it is important to rethink the phenomenon of ethnic identity in terms of its fluidity, multiplicity, fragmentation, non-reflection, complexity as a basis for the formation of ideas about strategies and ideas about acceptable for the individual mechanisms of interethnic integration. It is also relevant to study the influence of ethnic identity on the ideas of interethnic integration in the multi-ethnic communities of modern large cities.

Author Biography

Olga Persidskaya, Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

Persidskaya О. А. (2021). Influence of ethnic identity on representations about interethnic integration: to statement of the problem. Respublica Literaria, 2(1), 95–103.