Place and role of ethnic traditions in the socio-cultural space. Respublica


  • Svetlana Madyukova Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



sociocultural space, social space, cultural space, ethnoculture, tradition


The article analyzes approaches to the study of sociocultural space, with a focus on the potential of the concept of “social space” in ethnosociological research. Its most important components have been identified: social and cultural space. The specific function of social space is fixed, namely, the preservation of the structure of social institutions, within which social interactions take place. When analyzing the cultural space, it was shown that cultural specificity is most clearly manifested in ethnic cultures (ethnocultures), the semantic core of which is tradition. The author comes to the conclusion that the totality of social and cultural processes is localized within certain territorial boundaries and is a socio-cultural superstructure over the landscape and climatic space. Spatial development of territories is possible in a situation of maintaining the meaningful uniqueness of the cultural space (realized, first of all, in traditions) within the boundaries of a single social, legal and economic space. social space determines, to a certain extent, the universality of the form (through social institutions and structures), and cultural space determines the content specificity of the sociocultural space.

Author Biography

Svetlana Madyukova , Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Madyukova С. А. (2021). Place and role of ethnic traditions in the socio-cultural space. Respublica . Respublica Literaria, 2(1), 84–94.