The Historiography and the Politics of Memory


  • Alexandra Anilina Novosibirsk State University
  • Alena Kaulin Novosibirsk State University



theory of history, politics of memory, collective memory, P. Ricoeur, narrative template, recollection


The prevailing opinion among the scholars is that history as a study should determine the politics of memory and serve as a model for the narratives of collective identity. However, it should be remembered that memory and history, despite their close relationship, have different goals and realize different functions in society. Historical science cannot define the collective memory, but must participate in shaping the politics of memory. The task of historical politics is precisely to cut off multiplicity in order to provide an opportunity for action, while the task of historical science as a whole is to preserve and increase the potential of multiplicity to provide a wide choice of possible actions.

Author Biographies

Alexandra Anilina, Novosibirsk State University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer

Alena Kaulin , Novosibirsk State University

student of Novosibirsk State University


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How to Cite

Anilina А. Б. ., & Kaulin А. Л. . (2021). The Historiography and the Politics of Memory. Respublica Literaria, 2(1), 5–13.