Ayazbekova S. Sh. Tengrism and dual faith of the turkic-mongolian peoples
Turkic-Mongolian world, Nomadic world civilization, Settled world civilization, Tengrism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, dual faithAbstract
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the spread of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam among the Turkic-Mongol peoples that have originally professed Tengrism. Contemporary revival of Tengrism manifests itself both institutionally (via state and public support) and in everyday practice as the continuation of a living cultural tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation for a millennia and has been seen as a worldview, a way of life and a life guidance. The author concludes that Tengrism has ensured preservation of identity, stability and integrity of the Turkic-Mongolian world within the phenomenon of dual faith, while the spread of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam have set the dynamics of its development on the basis of intercivilizational interaction.
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