Lbova E. M. The present and the future of Russian higher education shown through university typology
higher education, university, typology, classification, transformation, RussiaAbstract
In the article, through the study of various typologies of universities, the current state and the future of Russian higher education are assessed. There are different approaches to the classification of higher education institutions: classical, which views the university through the history; an approach that systematizes higher education institutions by belonging to a particular cultural tradition; economic approach. The authors of the typologies offer two opposite points of view regarding the future of the Russian university. According to the first point of view, the existing university system must be completely reformed. Supporters of the second one suggest adjusting the existing system to the requirements of modern society. Due to the analysis, we concluded that a hybrid option is more suitable for Russia, in which gradual changes allow preserving the advantages of Russian education and minimize the disadvantages.
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