Sanzhenakov A. A. Institutionalization of a philosophical school: the origins of Justus Lipsius’ neostoicism


  • Alexander Sanzhenakov Institute of Philosophy and law (IPL), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science



Stoics, neostoicism, Seneca, Justus Lipsius, philosophical school, historical context


The article is devoted to the consideration of the neostoicism of Justus Lipsius (1547–1606) in order to show that there is a set of reasons for the renovation and institutionalization of any philosophical school: the historical context, education, community, personality and biography of its leader. As for Justus Lipsius, a philologist and publisher of ancient texts (Tacitus, Seneca), the following factors influenced. Since Lipsius lived in turbulent times (the 16th century was marked by the Reformation and religious wars), he could not help but pay attention to Stoic philosophy, designed to give peace of mind in an unsettled world. Lipsius received an excellent education at a Jesuit college and at two universities – Cologne and Louvain. He was instilled in a love of ancient literature during his education, which predetermined his work. He was an outstanding person by nature and was formed in the university environment and in the intellectual circles of his time. He was, for instance, a member of the Familists, whose founder taught, among other things, the permissibility of changing denominations. Lipsius’s interpretation of the Stoic doctrine suggests that the Stoics came closest to Christianity, unlike other ancient philosophers. All these factors determined the revival of Stoicism in the 16th century.

Author Biography

Alexander Sanzhenakov, Institute of Philosophy and law (IPL), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Research Officer of the Institute of Philosophy and law (IPL), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science


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How to Cite

Sanzhenakov А. А. . (2020). Sanzhenakov A. A. Institutionalization of a philosophical school: the origins of Justus Lipsius’ neostoicism. Respublica Literaria, 1(2), 95–101.