Artificial Intelligence in Daily Educational Practices of Russian Students
education, artificial intelligence, higher education, educational technologies, modernization of education.Abstract
The article raises the problem of a possible contradiction between promising areas of application of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process, presented in the research literature, and specific practices of interaction with AI tools in the everyday reality of students of Russian universities. A review of the research literature is presented, which reflects the position of Russian scientists regarding the most promising areas of application of AI technologies in the educational process of higher education, as well as regarding the barriers and risks associated with these processes. The data of interviews with Russian students are presented, which show that, although students generally highly appreciate the prospects for using AI technologies in the educational process, in practice there are some discrepancies between the potential of this vector of modernization, described in the scientific literature, and the everyday educational practices of Russian students. Conclusions are made that at the moment there remains room for improving modernization processes in the system of higher education through artificial intelligence technologies.
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