Anti-Russian Separatist Rhetoric: Analysis of the Discursive Space
The article was written as part of the governmental assignment for the realization of the Program on scientific research devoted to the exploration of the ethnic and cultural diversity of Russian society, with the goal of fostering of Russian identity throughout the country (2023–2025), under the supervision of Academician V. A. Tishkov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
anti-Russian rhetoric, separatism, discourse, Russian regions.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the discourse containing anti-Russian separatist ideas and claiming to represent Russian peoples and regions. Using the method of critical discourse studies, the author analyzes the Russian-language segment of the Telegram* (Roskomnadzor: Foreign owner of resource violates Russian law[1]) platform dedicated to the topic under study. As a result of the analysis, the key narratives of this discursive space are identified. Among them are the idea of the inevitability of the collapse of Russia and the independence of individual regions (both republics and individual regions and territories), the idea of the need for decolonization of the Russian state, Russian mass public consciousness; ideas of damage to the peoples of Russia - both historical and allegedly happening at the moment. The main characteristics of the discourse under study are revealed, including the active use of hate speech, the construction of a psychological and cultural distance between “Moscow” and the regions, Russians and other peoples, the dehumanization of the Russian government, its supporters, the Russian people, appeals to history.
[1] In accordance with Part 1 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 236-FZ dated 07/01/2021 "On the activities of Foreign Persons in the Internet Information and Telecommunications Network on the territory of the Russian Federation", Roskomnadzor decided to notify users of the Telegram messenger that the foreign person responsible for this resource violates the legislation of the Russian Federation.
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