Comparative Analysis of Assessment Systems the Effectiveness of Scientific Activity in Russia and China

The article is based on report presented at the round table “Russian-Chinese cooperation in education: new opportunities and prospects” (NSTU, November 11, 2023).


  • Anatoly Ablazhey Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)



science, performance evaluation, publications, journals, database, Western centrism, reform.


The article is an attempt to conduct a comparative analysis of national systems for assessing the effectiveness of scientific activity in Russia and China. It is shown that due to the transition to the principles and methods of assessment established in world science, a number of serious contradictions have accumulated in the functioning of such systems. Among them are the formalization of the assessment process, emphasis on scientometric methods, the rejection of internal workshop expertise, an explicit or implicit desire to replace real scientific research with its technological imitation. At the same time, in recent years, both countries have made serious efforts to reform the assessment systems, striving to make them more meaningful and focused primarily on the tasks of national scientific and technological progress. In China, the efforts taken have been reduced to declarations; there are almost no real steps to change the existing system. In Russia, on the contrary, it was possible to create a successfully functioning system of professional scientific expertise, operating under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Author Biography

Anatoly Ablazhey, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Ablazhey А. М. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Assessment Systems the Effectiveness of Scientific Activity in Russia and China: The article is based on report presented at the round table “Russian-Chinese cooperation in education: new opportunities and prospects” (NSTU, November 11, 2023). Respublica Literaria, 5(4), 65–74.