Sustainable Socio-cultural Development of Eurasia: The Integration Aspect


  • Vladimir Shmakov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)



socio-cultural dynamics, sustainable development, locality, integration, disintegration, identity


The article considers the problem of sustainable socio-cultural development of local communities as an emerging paradigm of transformation of the Eurasian socio-cultural space, taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of integration/disintegration processes. The main determinants of sustainable socio-cultural development include the increasing pressure of globalization, stimulating the manifestation of universalization and localization of socio-culture, imbalance, harmony of the combination of traditional values and innovations. The problem of sustainable development of socio-culture, socio-cultural identity, lies primarily in the need to take into account the interests of local communities in solving socio-economic problems in relation to the “big world”, in order to prevent socio-cultural dysfunctions, loss of socio-cultural identity, convergence of socio-cultural meanings, markers that generate life motivations.

Author Biography

Vladimir Shmakov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Leading researcher


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How to Cite

Shmakov В. С. (2024). Sustainable Socio-cultural Development of Eurasia: The Integration Aspect. Respublica Literaria, 5(3), 172–183.

