Reproduction of Ethnicity in World-system Analysis and the Theory of Capitals by P. Bourdieu
reproduction of ethnicity, world-system analysis, P. Bourdieu’s theory of capital, inequality, economic capital of ethnic groups, cultural capital of ethnic groups, social capital of ethnic groups, symbolic capital of ethnic groupsAbstract
An attempt has been made to expand the theoretical framework for interpreting the process of reproduction of ethnicity with the help of world-system analysis and P. Bourdieu’s theory of capitals. World-system analysis shows that ethnic communities are united by a common economic system, and the theory of capital expands the concept of capital, allowing us to consider networks of social, cultural and political-symbolic ethnic networks. The proposed interpretation emphasizes the relevance of ethnicity beyond its purely primordialist or instrumental understanding, allowing us to give a multi-valued and complete answer to the question of why and how ethnicity is reproduced in the modern world.
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