Problems of ensuring Cognitive Security of the Information Society


  • Igor Kefeli North-West Institute of Management RANEPA (St. Petersburg)
  • Olga Plebanek University at the IPA EurAsEC (St. Petersburg)



information society, cognitive science, cognitive warfare, cognitive security, NBICS technologies


The subject of philosophical reflection and interdisciplinary analytics are cognitive science and cognitive technologies, the intensive development of which allows us to reveal the secrets of consciousness at the nano-level and, accordingly, to implement a wide range of possibilities for managing cognitive processes. The onset of the cognitive revolution in the middle of the 20th century marked the beginning of interdisciplinary research that united cybernetics, psychology, human biology and social and humanitarian sciences.

In the last decade, military experts (primarily representing NATO) have declared their claims to master cognitive knowledge and technologies, proclaiming the emergence of a new, sixth domain of military conflicts – cognitive warfare.

The emerging situation causes an urgent need for large-scale scientific research, development of methods and technologies, personnel training, effective organizational measures to ensure cognitive security in the modern information society.

Author Biographies

Igor Kefeli, North-West Institute of Management RANEPA (St. Petersburg)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Leading Researcher of the North‑Western Institute of Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Higher School of International Relations of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the Faculty of Life Safety Herzen University, Academician of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, member of the Union of Writers of Russia

Olga Plebanek, University at the IPA EurAsEC (St. Petersburg)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


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How to Cite

Kefeli И. Ф., & Plebanek О. В. (2024). Problems of ensuring Cognitive Security of the Information Society. Respublica Literaria, 5(3), 122–136.

