Social Exclusion Index as an Indicator of Socio-Spatial Segregation in Mongolia


  • Yondon Undral Institute of Philosophy of Mongolian Academy of Sciences, National University of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)



urban sociology, social inequality, poverty, socio-spatial segregation, social exclusion index, Mongolia


This paper examines the processes of socio-spatial segregation in the capital of Mongolia. The social exclusion index is the main indicator of segregation of the urban space of Ulaanbaatar. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is based on concepts presented in the mainstream of urban sociology by such authors as M. Weber, G. Simmel, scientists of the Chicago School of Sociology. The social exclusion index is a complex indicator reflecting the socio-economic status of households, the labor status of capital residents, the possibility of maintaining and increasing human capital, consumption and free time. These indicators, in turn, determine the social position of Ulaanbaatar residents in the spatial dimension.

Author Biography

Yondon Undral, Institute of Philosophy of Mongolian Academy of Sciences, National University of Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Philosophy of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences; PhD Student, National University of Mongolia,


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How to Cite

Undral Ё. (2024). Social Exclusion Index as an Indicator of Socio-Spatial Segregation in Mongolia. Respublica Literaria, 5(3), 113–121.