On the Question of Continuity between the Neo-Hegelianism of J. Hyppolite and the Interpretation of “The phenomenology of Spirit” in the Philosophy of J. Wahl


  • Oleg Alexandrovich Lunev-Korobskii Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)




Jean Hyppolite, Hegel, “French Neo-Hegelianism”, Jean Wahl, “unhappy consciousness”, structuralism


The article addresses the problem of authenticity of the interpretation of Hegel’s notion of “unhappy consciousness” in the philosophy of J. Hyppolite. The study is based on examining two aspects of this issue. The first one concerns the expediency of anchoring Hyppolite’s ideas exclusively within the context of “French Neo‑Hegelianism”. It is shown that it is insufficient to define Hyppolite’s ideas primarily via its relations to previous interpretations of Hegel’s thought in France. The second one is related to determining what influence J. Wahl’s work on “unhappy consciousness” exercised on Hyppolite’s Neo-Hegelianism. Based on substantial reconstruction, along with comparative analysis, it is shown that Hyppolite’s writings contain elements of Wahl’s interpretation of Hegel’s philosophy as partial solutions only that do not define Hyppolite’s project as a whole. In particular, the notion of  “unhappy consciousness” in Hyppolite’s philosophy plays an auxiliary role within the mindset of an actualizing reading of Hegel’s ideas. The richness of the content of Hyppolite’s Neo-Hegelianism is conceived more comprehensively if viewed without exclusive reference to “French Neo-Hegelianism”. Moreover, Hyppolite’s philosophy basically stands as an authentic project, which determined the subsequent development of structuralism in many respects.

Author Biography

Oleg Alexandrovich Lunev-Korobskii, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

Lunev-Korobskii О. А. (2024). On the Question of Continuity between the Neo-Hegelianism of J. Hyppolite and the Interpretation of “The phenomenology of Spirit” in the Philosophy of J. Wahl. Respublica Literaria, 5(3), 28–48. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2024.5.3.28-48