Thomas Ryckman. Relativized A Priori: Evaluation and Criticism. (Translated by V. V. Tselishchev)
relativized a priori, constitution, phenomenology, coordination conditions, mathematical physicsAbstract
The paper considers M. Friedman's modification of Reichenbach's idea of ‘relativization a priori’. Reichenbach's explication a priori in the form of ‘coordination’ conditions for the correlation of empirical data and mathematical physics is considered by Friedman in the perspective of establishing the nature of the transcendental constitution of scientific objects. In turn, T. Ryckman puts forward an alternative version of relativization a priori, based on the intentionality of a scientific object, in the spirit of Husserl's phenomenology. In general, the paper shows that transcendental constitution is a specifically philosophical, moreover, phenomenological, and not a physical problem.
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