The Courage to Use Your Own Intelligence as a Purpose of Education


  • Anna Shachina Independent Researcher, Murmansk



enlightenment, reason, moral, education, upbringing, freedom, politics, law


The paper develops the problem of educational guidelines. The purpose of the article is to show that such guidelines should not be limited exclusively to the pragmatic aspect, i.e. mastering the profession, but should include a moral and practical dimension, i.e. education to independent thinking as the foundation of the moral education of the individual. Moreover, thinking should be not only independent, but also correct, i.e. meet the criteria of universality according to the categorical imperative and communicability according to the requirements of the canon of pure reason. As a result of the study, it was concluded that courage to use your own intelligence is the motto of enlightenment, and enlightenment is the principle and purpose of education. It was also concluded that the purpose of education can be achieved only in conditions of freedom realized in the political and legal institutions of the state. But the state itself depends on how much citizens are able to reveal their potential and have the courage to think independently, as well as the ability to think correctly.


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How to Cite

Shachina А. Ю. (2024). The Courage to Use Your Own Intelligence as a Purpose of Education. Respublica Literaria, 5(2), 110–123.

