Imperative as a “Trace of Being” in the Fate of Emil Lask


  • Мaryia Januschevna Matsevich Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Belarus)



values, European tradition, Russian spirituality, war, historicism, subjectivism, neo-Kantianism, truth, Law


The paper analyses E. Lask’s philosophy and the unique spiritual and intellectual experience of German, Russian philosophy. A systematic analysis of the importance of E. Lask’s philosophy in in the formation of the European philosophical tradition has been made. The understanding of the meaning and purpose of the war as a philosophical category is shown, philosophical and epistemological monitoring of the attitude of thinkers to the First World War is also precisely carried out. The inclusion of this problem in the field of research interest gave an opportunity to appreciate and to expose the multidimensional interpretation of values in the modern cultural space.

Author Biography

Мaryia Januschevna Matsevich, Belarusian National Technical University (Minsk, Belarus)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of Innovative Projects


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How to Cite

Matsevich М. Я. (2024). Imperative as a “Trace of Being” in the Fate of Emil Lask. Respublica Literaria, 5(2), 36–44.

