Determinants of the Socio-cultural Development of Eurasia: The Phenomenon of Crisis


  • Vladimir Shmakov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)



Eurasian socio-cultural space, local communities, transformation trends, socio-cultural crisis, stagnation


The article examines the phenomenon of the evolution of the Eurasian socio-cultural space. The study of the determinants of the crisis state of the development of culture and sociality under the influence of globalization processes allows us to identify the main factors that have a dominant impact on the formation of the socio-cultural space, determining the prospects for the development of the socio-culture of local communities in Eurasia. The use of a sociocultural approach allows us to explore the fundamental principles of explaining and understanding sociocultural evolution, to present a comprehensive description of the processes of development of local communities in the course of industrial, economic and institutional modernization. There are two main trends in the dynamics of the socio-cultural development of Eurasia: traditionalism, the preservation and maintenance of traditional socio-cultural heritage and a modernized, liberalized structure aimed at the destruction of traditional socio-cultural values.

Author Biography

Vladimir Shmakov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Leading researcher


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How to Cite

Shmakov В. С. (2024). Determinants of the Socio-cultural Development of Eurasia: The Phenomenon of Crisis. Respublica Literaria, 5(1), 100–112.

