Social Well-being of the People in Polyethnic Region: Ethnosocial Features (Based on Sociological Research in Yakutia)
social well-being, ethnic resources, ethnicity, Russians, Yakuts, level of satisfaction, quality of life, YakutiaAbstract
In the article, the author draws attention to the specifics of studying the social well-being in a polyethnic environment. In this prism, social well-being becomes a significant category of ethnosociological researches. The purpose of the article is to identify and present the possibilities of studying the social well-being of the population of a polyethnic region through the prism of ethnic identification using the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The author presents data reflecting the special and characteristic features of the social well-being of the three main ethnic groups of Yakutia – Russians, Yakuts and Indigenous Peoples of the North. Based on the methodology for studying social well-being developed by the team of authors, supplemented by the rationale for taking into account the ethnocultural foundations of life, and obtained during a sociological study in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), conducted in 2021-2022, a conclusion on the relationship between the ethnocultural components of life and social well-being, observed primarily among the Indigenous Peoples of Yakutia is given.
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