Dynamics of Quantity Change Large Families in the Regions of Russia
large families, dynamics of the number, regions of Russia, factors of increasing fertility, reproductive attitudes of the populationAbstract
In the article, based on the generalization of documents and statistical data, a comparative analysis of the representation of large families by groups of regions with different dates of release to the negative dynamics of natural population growth is carried out. Comparing the results with the dynamics of the growth of the share of large families in a group that retains positive natural population growth, it was possible to conclude that even with a large motivational potential of the population, there comes a certain point when the share of large families ceases to increase significantly. The discovery of this fact allows us to optimistically assume that groups of regions may have great demographic potential, where at the moment the negative dynamics of natural growth persists. But for its disclosure, an analysis of socio-cultural and economic reserves is needed that could allow it to be disclosed, including state support measures.
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