On the Dichotomy of Holism and Individualism in Social Metaphysics: Approaching Hegel’s View
ontological holism, ontological individualism, methodological holism, methodological individualism, Gillian Rose, HegelAbstract
The paper gives a survey of contemporary research and thematizes the topics of ontological and methodological holism and individualism within social metaphysics, and does preparatory work for an examination of this issue from a Hegelian perspective. The first part of the paper provides an overview of the current debates and roughly maps the positions. The second part presents a Hegelian conceptualization of this issue as proposed by Gillian Rose. She argues in favor of the unacceptability of holism and individualism (functionalism and action theory) and points to a third, unified perspective, which finds an adequate expression in Hegel, according to her.
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