A Few Words about Postmodernist Transit of the Concept of Nation


  • Galina Solodova Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)




postmodern turn, nation.


The article offers various interpretations of the concept of nation. The reason for referring to the topic is the paradox between the semantic ambiguity of the concept and its simultaneous active use in the scientific and public space. The article is based on the works of R. Brubaker, E. Balibar, I. Wallerstein. In addition, a cross-section of interpretations of the “nation” in Russian history is presented. The transition from the initial synonymization with the state and the people as a whole to its reduction to the concept of an ethnos is noted. An attempt is made to show the integration potential of the concept of nation, embedded in its original academic and political meanings.

Author Biography

Galina Solodova, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Solodova Г. С. (2023). A Few Words about Postmodernist Transit of the Concept of Nation. Respublica Literaria, 4(4), 168–175. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.4.168-175

