Goedel's Incomplete Theorem: Does it Say Something about the Incompleteness of Math


  • Sergey Katrechko State Academic University of the Humanities (Moscow)




Goedel's Incomplete Theorem: Does it Say Something about the Incompleteness of Math


The report will propose some methodological approach (“method of eliminating monsters”) going back to Lakatos (“Proof and refutation”) to the analysis of Godel’s theorem, which shows that despite its mathematical correctness, Godel’s theorem is not applicable to mathematics (recursive arithmetic), since the Gödel expression is not a formula, but a formulaoid (Yesenin-Volpin), or a mathematical “monster” that must be eliminated from the field (language) of mathematics. This makes it possible to “remove” Godel's thesis about the incompleteness of mathematics, although it does not cancel the task of positively proving its completeness.

Author Biography

Sergey Katrechko, State Academic University of the Humanities (Moscow)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associative Professor, editor–in–chief “Studies in Transcendental Philosophy”, Associate Professor of Faculty of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Katrechko С. Л. (2023). Goedel’s Incomplete Theorem: Does it Say Something about the Incompleteness of Math. Respublica Literaria, 4(4), 82–87. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.4.82-87

