Neo Analytical Philosophy: Principles of Basic Definitions


  • Andrey Alekseev RUDN University, State Academic University for the Humanities (Moscow)



Artificial intelligence, neoanalytic philosophy, formal definition of artificial intelligence, comprehensive Turing test


The general provisions of the computational version of analytical philosophy, a neo-analytical philosophy focused on the philosophical analysis of logical-linguistic and program-informational problems of building artificial intelligence systems, are revealed. The focus of the work is on the organization of a computer system that provides the definition of an AI system. Intuitive and formal definitions of AI concepts are proposed.

Author Biography

Andrey Alekseev, RUDN University, State Academic University for the Humanities (Moscow)

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Engineering Academy


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How to Cite

Alekseev А. Ю. (2023). Neo Analytical Philosophy: Principles of Basic Definitions. Respublica Literaria, 4(4), 59–69.

