The Problem of Representation: Postmodernism, Critical Theory and Media Discourse


  • Anna Oleshkova Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (branch) (Nizhny Tagil)



representation, online culture, offline culture, media discourse, context, postmodernism, critical theory, Frankfurt School.


The purpose of the article is to characterize the possibilities and limitations of the representation of offline culture in the online space. The article uses methods of historical and philosophical, comparative analysis and critical discourse analysis. The specifics and genesis of the concept of “postmodernism” are determined in connection with the need to understand the essence of modern culture, which can be represented as divided into online and offline spaces. The problems of representation in the media discourse, which is predominantly quasi-political in nature, are identified and characterized. The sensitive spheres of representation are indicated: gender, racial, ideological. In the context of critical theory and postmodernism, the difficulties in representation associated with three factors are presented: the limitations of language and symbols, the bias and subjectivity of the authors, the complexity and versatility of the cultural phenomena themselves. Modern society is postmodern and capitalist. It is concluded that freedom for the “speaking subject” is declared.

Author Biography

Anna Oleshkova, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (branch) (Nizhny Tagil)

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences


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How to Cite

Oleshkova А. М. (2023). The Problem of Representation: Postmodernism, Critical Theory and Media Discourse. Respublica Literaria, 4(4), 14–27.