Missionary Practice of the Russian Orthodox Church in Mongolia (late 1990s – early 2020s)


  • Vladislav Terentyev Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Kyakhta)




Mongolia, Russian Orthodox Church, mission, missiology, sermon


The relevance and importance of missionary activity was laid down by Jesus Christ Himself, which is reflected in the text of the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew. Also, the significance of the mission in the life of every Orthodox Christian is revealed in the «Concept of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church». It is especially important to study missionary experience in countries and societies that are not familiar with Christianity, in particular, in Mongolia. Based on personal experience of actively participating in church life and numerous conversations with the abbots of the only Orthodox Holy Trinity Church in Mongolia, the author restores the picture of missionary activity in this country.

According to the official document of the Russian Orthodox Church, missionary activity is considered in four main areas: educational, apologetic, informational and external. Almost all the activities of the Orthodox Church in Mongolia among the local population can be described as «external», since there are no Christian foundations and plots in the traditions and customs of the Mongolian people. Nevertheless, a large number of «Orthodox by default» live on the county’s territory, among which the indicated «internal» forms of mission are organized.

On one hand, characterizing these forms of missionary activity in turn, the author comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to single out a quantitative indicator as a criterion for the success and effectiveness of the mission. On the other hand, the very talk about the «fruits of the mission» should be carried out by active missionaries who, on the basis of reading the Holy Scriptures, the holy fathers and their own personal missionary experience, argue that the fruits of the mission cannot be «early».

Author Biography

Vladislav Terentyev, Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Kyakhta)

Candidate of Historical Sciences, superior of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ


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How to Cite

Terentyev В. И. (2023). Missionary Practice of the Russian Orthodox Church in Mongolia (late 1990s – early 2020s). Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 174–185. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.3.174-185

