Buddism and Turkic civilization: Intercultural and Socio-political Discourse


  • Skandarbek Ayazbekov Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan)




Turkic civilization, Tengrism, Buddhism, religion


The article is devoted to the spread of Buddhism in Turkic civilization as exemplified in mythology, folklore, petroglyphs, written monuments, travelers’ information, ancient and medieval treatises, chronicles, archaeological data, fine arts and architecture.

The author analyses political, economic, ideological, social & cultural factors that impacted on the spread of Buddhism. He argues that the wide scale of its spread on the territory inhabited by Turkic peoples in antiquity and the Middle Ages is linked to the fact that as a religion, Buddhism is close to Tengrism in its concepts of the spiritual path and reincarnation. The author analyses how Tengrism has influenced the formation of ideological foundations of Buddhism, popular among certain Turkic ethnic groups. It has impacted on the formation of Buddhism in its early stages of development and became instrumental in providing unity for heterogeneous ethnic groups and establishing the continuity of the existing political systems during the spread of Buddhism among Turkic peoples. Buddhism took on eclectic forms among the Turkic tribes of the Kushan, Turkic, Eastern and Western Khaganates by mingling new spiritual learning with Tengrist viewpoints about the Celestial God (Tengri).

Author Biography

Skandarbek Ayazbekov, Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, Kazakhstan)

Academician, Vice-President of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Art History, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the American Zen College at UNESCO


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How to Cite

Ayazbekov С. А. (2023). Buddism and Turkic civilization: Intercultural and Socio-political Discourse. Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 162–173. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.3.162-173

