Trends in the transformation of the socio-cultural space of Eurasia


  • Vladimir Shmakov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS



local communities, socio-cultural space, transformation trends, socio-cultural crisis, stagnation, archaization


The article discusses the trends in the development of the Eurasian socio-cultural space in the context of globalization. The evolution of the socio-cultural space occurs as a result of interaction, mutual influence of locality and globality, generating contradictions, creating conditions for a crisis of culture and sociality. Changes in traditional economic patterns, poor adaptability to modernization processes contribute to the archaization of the structure of  roduction and socio-cultural relations. The basis of the modification of socio-cultural development consists of two value systems: liberal and traditional, including archaic structures that preserve a certain socio-cultural superstructure that unites local communities based on language, territory, religion, norms and practices of life. Globality enhances the impact of liberal-modernist values. Locality favors the preservation of the influence of traditional and conservative values.

Author Biography

Vladimir Shmakov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

доктор философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник


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How to Cite

Shmakov В. С. (2023). Trends in the transformation of the socio-cultural space of Eurasia. Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 149–161.