Overcoming the social-evolutionary paradox of violence as a “growth point” for modern societies


  • Nikolai Rozov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS




violence, organized violence, evolution of violence, social evolution, meaning of history, humane orders, moral progress


The problems of social evolution of organized violence are discussed. The barrier to the use of violence as well as the notions of moral progress in history and progress toward a more humane order is difficult to reconcile with the steady increase in the scale and efficiency of the power structures. There are serious arguments against the thesis of a global trend toward less violence and fewer military casualties. The contradiction between trends in the evolution of violence and a humanistic understanding of the meaning of history requires a practical overcoming, a complex and profound scientific and philosophical analysis. A corresponding intellectual and practical challenge confronts contemporary societies, including Russian ones. A successful response to it can become a "growth point" for social, legal, and moral development, the growth of authority, and influence in the international arena.

Author Biography

Nikolai Rozov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Chief Researcher


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How to Cite

Rozov Н. С. (2023). Overcoming the social-evolutionary paradox of violence as a “growth point” for modern societies. Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 136–148. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.3.136-148