Effects of the Dynamics of Changes in the Number of Families for The Safety of Russia's Demographic Potential
number and types of family cells, natural population growth, population dynamics, demographic potential, regions of RussiaAbstract
The second article in the authors' series of works on the factors that determine the preservation of the demographic potential in the regions of Russia touches on the rather complex topic of the family, or rather, the family unit. The term “family” at the household level is traditionally perceived as a full-fledged unit of society, with all generations, starting from great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers on both sides. But sociology in relation to data collection for statistical analysis is more rigorous and under the family means four elementary sets, conditionally indivisible at the time of the census: married couples without children, married couples with children, mothers with children, fathers with children. The authors evaluated the dynamics of changes in these sets in 39 regions, grouped by the year of transition to negative population growth dynamics. As a result, a relationship was revealed between a decrease in the number of family cells and a decrease in the population. The analysis also showed that, despite the global trend towards a reduction in the population as a whole, there are regions in Russia that have maintained a positive growth trend. And even the strongest damage caused by isolation during COVID-19 to the safety of family unions could not weaken the demographic potential in these regions. A comparison of the dynamics of changes in the population size and different types of family cells showed that the reduction in the size of the traditional complete family is not a decisive factor in the preservation of the demographic potential. This conclusion allows us to conclude that the observed positive dynamics of population growth in the regions cannot be explained only by strong ethnocultural traditions.
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