J. Wolensky’s Paper “Reception of Aristotle in Poland around 1900”. M. N. Volf. (transl.)


  • Marina Volf Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS




reception of Aristotle, history of logic, Aristotelianism, Aristotle's logic, Polish logic


The paper presents a Russian translation of an article by J. Wolenski devoted to the history of logic in Poland since 1900 in the context of the reception of Aristotle's logical teaching. The paper presents a Russian translation of an article by J. Wolenski devoted to the history of logic in Poland since 1900 in the context of the reception of Aristotle's logical teaching

Author Biography

Marina Volf, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Director


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How to Cite

Volf М. Н. (2023). J. Wolensky’s Paper “Reception of Aristotle in Poland around 1900”. M. N. Volf. (transl.). Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 52–72. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.3.52-72