“Russian Αristotle” in the Context of the Question about Aristotelianism’s Reception (Translator's Remarks on the J. Wolensky’s Paper “Reception of Aristotle in Poland around 1900”)


  • Marina Volf Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS




reception of Aristotle, history of logic, Aristotelianism, Aristotle's logic, Polish logic


The paper presents a Russian translation of an article by J. Wolenski devoted to the history of logic in Poland since 1900 in the context of the reception of Aristotle's logical teaching, and it is preceded by the remarks of  he translator. In the introductory remarks to the translation is discussed the question of the reception of Aristotle in Russia, it is proposed to distinguish between the reception of Aristotle himself and his scholastic interpretation. It is emphasized that this is the approach which J. Wolenski proposed. The concept of reception is problematized, and is offered some possible variants of its understanding. On the base of Wolenski's paper are explicated some conditions that can serve as criteria for understanding the degree of Aristotle's reception in any national culture. Next comes a brief review of the literature, giving a general idea of the study of the reception of Aristotle in Russia. Also, in addition to the Polish line of development of logic at the University of Warsaw, presented by Wolenski, another line studying of logic at some Imperial Universities of Russian Empire is drawn, namely, the Yuriev philosophical school (G. Teichmüller and E. V. Bobrov), whose activity can also be interpreted as a reception of Aristotle, inspired by his logic.

Wolenski's paper presents the reception of Aristotle's logical teaching in Poland, namely by members of the Lvov-Warsaw school, i.e. beyond his scholastic interpretations. The role of W. Tatarkiewicz, K. Twardowski and a some of other Polish logicians in the study of the logic of Aristotle is considered; the logical teachings of J. Lukasiewicz are described in detail in the context of his intellectual biography and his reception of Aristotelian logic; finally, is raised the question on the classical theory of truth and that role which the philosophers of the Lvov-Warsaw school played for its formation.

Author Biography

Marina Volf, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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How to Cite

Volf М. Н. (2023). “Russian Αristotle” in the Context of the Question about Aristotelianism’s Reception (Translator’s Remarks on the J. Wolensky’s Paper “Reception of Aristotle in Poland around 1900”). Respublica Literaria, 4(3), 37–51. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2023.4.3.37-51