Science + Education = ( ≠ ) Education + Science
public administration system, social institutions: education and science, Prussian model, Anglo-Saxon model, ratings, human capital.Abstract
Based on a comparative analysis of the Prussian and Anglo-Saxon models, as well as the implementation of the concepts of didactic encyclopedism and utilitarianism in the education system, the author demonstrates the changes taking place in social institutions – education and science. It is shown that in countries that have long developed under the influence of the public administration system that implemented the model of compulsory education for all, science as a sphere of strategic development of the country determined the content and level of training of graduates. The attempt to include research institutions in universities in the context of the formation of a new Russian system of administration in the field of science and education, as a stage of transition to the implementation of the Anglo-Saxon model, not only violates the logic of the established system of training, but also is a way to substitute real research activity for compliance with the formal criteria of international ratings.
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