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Preservation of the Demographic Potential of Russian Regions


  • Mariya Alekseevna Abramova Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS
  • Galina Savitovna Goncharova Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS



natural population growth, population dynamics, demographic potential, regions of Russia, factors and determinants


This article is the first in a series of works by the authors on the factors determining the preservation of demographic potential by the regions of Russia. An attempt is made to perform a comparative analysis of the dynamics of natural population growth in the regions of Russia from 2002 to 2022 and their groupings based on the results of the dynamics assessment. As a result, a group of regions was identified that retained positive natural population growth. The factors that caused this trend require additional consideration both regarding the ethno-cultural specifics of the formation of the life cycle by young people, sustainable values that support families and the birth of children and migration influx, and socio-economic measures taken at the regional level.



Author Biographies

Mariya Alekseevna Abramova, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Head of the Department of Social and Legal Studies 




Galina Savitovna Goncharova , Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS




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How to Cite

Abramova М. А., & Goncharova Г. С. (2023). Preservation of the Demographic Potential of Russian Regions. Respublica Literaria, 4(2), 35–47.