Approaches to Interpretation the Phenomenon of Fantasy: Philosophy vs Psychology


  • Svetlana Berdaus Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS



Husserl, intentionality, phenomenology, fantasy, fantasizing, imagination, modern psychology.


The article is devoted to the problem of the autonomy of the studies of consciousness carried out by psychology and philosophy. The phenomenon of fantasy, fantasizing, is taken as a typological example. Based on the general picture of research on this phenomenon in modern psychology, the use of fantasizing in various techniques and practices, the asymmetry of theoretical and methodological efforts in this area is shown. On a number of examples from the field of the philosophical paradigm, a certain veil of the true role of fantasizing was noted. An assumption is made about the productivity of the concentration on the basis of Husserl's phenomenology of heuristic material of both psychology and philosophy for rethinking the significance of the phenomenon of fantasy in comprehending the depths of human consciousness.



Author Biography

Svetlana Berdaus, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS

Candidate of Philosophy, Junior Researcher




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How to Cite

Berdaus С. В. (2023). Approaches to Interpretation the Phenomenon of Fantasy: Philosophy vs Psychology. Respublica Literaria, 4(2), 5–16.