The Migration Strategies of the Far Easters (Based on Materials from the Primorye Territory)
sociocultural space, regional development, Far East, Primorye Territory, demographic and migration processes, migration strategiesAbstract
The article considers the main migration strategies of the inhabitants of the Russian Far East through the prism of the sociocultural space and territorial development of the region. The study was carried out on the materials of the Primorye Territory based on quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (non-formalized interview) methods. The data of official national and regional statistics were also used. The results of the study showed a high migratory activity of Primorye inhabitants. There is a combination of horizontal («western drift») and vertical (intergenerational mobility) migration strategies. The importance of regular monitoring of the social well-being and migratory moods of the indigenous inhabitants of the Far Eastern regions and the «new» Far Easters who come to the Far Eastern Federal District for permanent residence from other subjects of the Russian Federation and countries.
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