Paradigmatic and socio-communicative aspects of language research in L. Wittgenstein's Philosophy
L. Wittgenstein, logic, language, recursion, structure, system, paradigm, thinking.Abstract
The article examines the paradigmatic and socio-communicative aspects of L. Wittgenstein's philosophy of language. The predominance of the rational paradigm in his scientific work was revealed, IT formalized the language. The author of the article suggests an alternative solution to the problem: the direction of language learning based on a recursive paradigm, systemic and synergetic approaches. The perspective of the recursive paradigm, the development of which in modern post-nonclassical science is associated with the study of issues of reproduction, functioning, and changes in self-organizing systems. These include the language. The use of the recursive paradigm is conditioned by modern scientific achievements. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general scientific methods, comparative and systematic approaches.
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