The Concept of the Narrative Identity in the Philosophy of P. Ricoeur


  • Alexandra Anikina Novosibirsk State University



P. Ricoeur, narrative identity, self, narrative, responsibility, cognitive narratology


In the modern world one of the factors of problematization of a human being is a situation
of unprecedented plurality. An endless information, the plurality of available life strategies, patterns of behavior, religions, cultures and even “worlds” – all this forces us to reconsider the concepts of personal identity. Communities, that is, collective actors, face similar difficulties. For collective actors, the situation is complicated by the fact that different levels of institutionalization of communities produce their own identities, unite conflicting groups, or vice versa, communities are created that go beyond the usual institutions. This diversity creates difficulties both for the individual defining his identity and for the study of the situation. We believe that the concept of narrative identity by Paul Ricoeur provides a basis for deriving a “common denominator” for all this diversity, allows us to find a common framework for the study of identities at various levels.

Author Biography

Alexandra Anikina, Novosibirsk State University

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Lecturer


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How to Cite

Anikina А. Б. . (2023). The Concept of the Narrative Identity in the Philosophy of P. Ricoeur. Respublica Literaria, 4(1), 5–14.