A Reply to the Critics


  • Igor Berestov Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)




B. Russell’s theory of motion, P. Benacerraf, continuum, open intervals, Zeno’s Paradoxes, the Arrow Paradox, the Dichotomy Paradox.


In this paper, I answer the critical remarks of opponents. I consider several thought experiments with “Benacerraf’s genie”. Those thought experiments show that under certain circumstances we have good reasons for recognizing that a moving object exists in time and space and outside of them in turn, demonstrating “twinkling existence”. The counterintuitiveness of “twinkling existence” (or “double ontology”) can be used as an argument in favor of the unacceptability of the assumptions about the properties of time and space used in Russell’s theory of motion.

Author Biography

Igor Berestov, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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Berestov, I. V. (2022). How Achilles and Hector Missed Each Other: A Difficulty in the Theory of Motion That Distinguish the Passage of an Open Interval and the Passage of its Closure. Respublica Literaria. Vol. 3. no. 4. pp. 5 26. DOI: 10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.5-27 (In Russ.)

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How to Cite

Berestov И. В. . (2022). A Reply to the Critics. Respublica Literaria, 3(4), 75–98. https://doi.org/10.47850/RL.2022.3.4.75-98