Legal Nature of a Share in the Authorized Capital of a Limited Liability Company: A Conflict of Corporate and Family Law
share in the authorized capital; limited liability company; property right to a share in the authorized capital; corporate rights due to the ownership of shares in the authorized capital; division of the common property of the spousesAbstract
The possibility of doing business through the design of a commercial corporation (usually a limited liability company) is widely used by many entrepreneurs. At the same time, the acquisition by a married person of a share in the authorized capital, both as a result of the establishment of a legal entity and through civil law transactions, entails relevant legal consequences. In the absence of a marriage contract, the share in the charter capital of the corporation is the joint property of the spouses, which is subject to the joint ownership regime. This circumstance predetermines the occurrence of conflicts of family and corporate law, which must be resolved by the courts when resolving disputes on the division of a share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company. The article attempts to analyze the legal nature of the share in the authorized capital in order to resolve this conflict.
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