Cosmopolitanism and patriotism in greek philosophy during the early Hellenistic period


  • Vladimir Brovkin Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



cosmopolitanism, patriotism, early Hellenism, cynics, early stoics, Theodorus the Atheist, Aristotle, Polis, Hellenistic monarchy


The article is devoted to the question of the correlation of cosmopolitanism and patriotism in the early Hellenistic philosophy. It is established that during this period in Greek philosophy the opposition between two tendencies – Patriotic and cosmopolitan increased. Patriotic values have retained their influence. The exponents of Patriotic ideas were Aristotle, Xenocrates, Anniceris, Menedemus, and partially the early stoics. At the same time, the positions of cosmopolitanism, which was represented in the philosophy of the cynics, the early Stoics, and Theodorus, also strengthened. It is also established that the formation of Hellenistic monarchies influenced the development of both tendencies. The rapprochement of the Greeks with the peoples of the East contributed to the spread of cosmopolitan ideas. And the Foundation of Greek cities in the Hellenistic States contributed to the preservation of Polis values, one of which was patriotism.


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2020-10-20 — Updated on 2020-10-20

How to Cite

Brovkin В. В. . (2020). Cosmopolitanism and patriotism in greek philosophy during the early Hellenistic period: . Respublica Literaria, 1(1), 25–39.